Quantum technologies is an emerging key enabling technology. In order to achieve its objectives, the Quantum Technologies FET Flagship could benefit from international cooperation activities with non-European partners having competences complementary to those or that are not available within Europe. Such activities will aim at providing a clear win-win situation for all parties involved. Target countries are the USA, Canada and Japan.
The action should deliver a roadmap for international cooperation that outlines where Europe’s strengths are, the competences missing in Europe, and in which of the target regions those can be found. The action should map the corresponding national innovation strategies in the 3rd countries and the available funding schemes and involved funding agencies. The action should give concrete recommendations on international cooperation actions, including how these can be established applying the funding instruments available, and should identify target region in which areas there is a win-win. The analysis and recommendations derived from the roadmap should be based on a clear methodology taking also into account benchmarking activities currently conducted in the Flagship. Close coordination of the action with the existing Flagship Coordination and Support Action is regarded as key for the successful implementation.
The activities should include public consultations with the relevant stakeholders, workshops with the lead persons from science, industry and policymakers and fact-finding missions.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 500.000 and a duration of 36 months would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts or durations.
Expected Impact:
- Increased effectiveness of the European Quantum Flagship by having a focused strategy on international cooperation.
- Increased networking between European and international stakeholders excelling in quantum technologies;
- Increased scientific and technical knowledge
- Improve competitiveness of European industry by opening up international cooperation possibilities and gaining access to future markets.
13 November 2019 17:00 Brussels Time
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