This H2020 calls aims at creating a sustainable Europe-wide network for harmonised large-scale clinical research studies on infectious diseases.
Infectious diseases pose a serious threat to human health and there are many challenges and needs to efficiently protect citizens across Europe and beyond. There is still a need to understand how antibiotics and other interventions work on patients and how to better assess the effectiveness of vaccines. Innovation is needed to overcome the problem of antimicrobial resistance, and in case of emerging epidemics and pandemics, a timely response to a rapidly emerging infectious diseases is significantly challenging and often delayed.
Proposals should set up a European-wide multidisciplinary network able to provide a platform for a rapid response in the conduct of clinical studies in relation to any severe infection. The initial clinical studies to be performed should be included in the proposal, whereas criteria and processes for including further clinical studies in the project should be clearly described. This should include provisions for flexibility (including re-allocation of budget and de-prioritisation) in case of new scientific developments and in particular the need to address newly or re-emerging infectious diseases.
Special attention should be given to EU Member States and Associated Countries with currently limited capacity to perform clinical trials.
The Commission considers that a proposal requesting an EU contribution between EUR 25 to 30 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amount.
Expected Impact
- Reduced cost and time through efficiently implemented clinical trials for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infections.
- Create and strengthen the operational capacity and the infrastructures for providing real-time evidence for optimal medical intervention and practice in infectious diseases.
- Contribute to existing EU policies, including the Council Recommendation on strengthen cooperation for vaccine preventable diseases, and the Communication “A European one health action plan against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)”.
- To ensure the EU´s worldwide leadership in controlling and responding to infectious diseases.
- Foster links between existing networks in Europe and other countries/regions in the world to optimise a coordinated response to infectious diseases for innovation and delivery of new preventive and therapeutic technologies.
- Foster collaboration between stakeholders from academic organizations, SMEs, larger industry, patient organisations, ethics committee, public health bodies and regulators.
07 April 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time
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