Knowing how graduates perceive the relevance of their studies – and what they do after obtaining their qualifications – is key to improving education and training systems.
The European Commission has published two reports that highlight the benefits of an EU-wide graduate tracking system in preparing European education for tomorrow’s challenges. The European graduate pilot survey reached out to Bachelor, Master and tertiary short-cycle graduates one and five years after graduation in eight countries (Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Germany, Greece, Malta, Lithuania and Norway), and indicates key factors to improve study outcomes.
Results aid our understanding of what can be done to improve Education and training in Europe. Experience abroad during a study period, for instance, increases the level of problem-solving skills.
However, the reports also show there’s progress to be made. Less than half of survey respondents reported studying in an activating environment, showing the need for further efforts to support this approach. The European Universities initiative, a flagship of the European Education Area, promotes student-centred and challenge-based learning.
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