The Eurovision debate between the lead candidates for the Commission presidency will take place on Thursday 23 May from 15.00-16.45 in Parliament’s plenary chamber in Brussels.
The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which is organising the debate, has confirmed the participation of Walter Baier (Austria, European Left), Sandro Gozi (Italy, Renew Europe Now), Ursula von der Leyen (Germany, European People’s Party), Terry Reintke (Germany, European Greens) and Nicolas Schmit (Luxembourg, Party of European Socialists).
These five candidates will debate the following topics:
- Economy and Jobs
- Defence and Security
- Climate and Environment
- Democracy and Leadership
- Migration and Borders
- Innovation and Technology
Questions will be asked by the audience in the plenary chamber, by viewers watching from events organised by Parliament’s Liaison Offices in EU member states, submitted via social media, and by the two moderators. Candidates will also face one-on-one questioning by the moderators in so-called “Spotlight” segments, a new feature of the Eurovision Debate 2024.
The debate will be moderated by Martin Řezníček (Czech TV) and Annelies Beck (VRT, Belgium).
The candidates will speak in English, and interpretation will be provided in 24 languages.
A draw on 16 May organised by the EBU in the European Parliament determined the position of the candidates on the stage for the debate, the first speaker on each topic, and the order of the ‘spotlight’ interviews.
The position of the candidates on stage will be as follows (from left to right): Ursula von der Leyen, Nicolas Schmit, Terry Reintke, Sandro Gozi, Walter Baier.
The first speaker in each topic segment will be as follows: Nicolas Schmit, Sandro Gozi, Ursula von der Leyen, Walter Baier, Terry Reintke.
The order of the ‘spotlight’ interviews will be as follows: Nicolas Schmit, Sandro Gozi, Terry Reintke, Ursula von der Leyen, Walter Baier.
You can find more information about the draw and watch a recording.
How to follow the Eurovision Debate
The programme on 23 May will be broadcast on EbS and EBU with the on-screen nametags of the participants and other essential graphic elements. A clean version of the debate will be available on EbS+ but only for news edits, not for full live broadcast. It will also be streamed on Parliament’s website (Multimedia Centre) and accessible from the EBU distribution platforms. No independent filming of the debate from the chamber will be allowed.
Parliament’s Multimedia Centre will also provide a feed with International Sign Language and velotype (live transcript in English), as well as subtitled versions in the official EU languages on demand once the debate is over. These files will be delivered before 19:00 CET. If you are interested in this format please write to
The candidates will arrive at the protocol entrance of the European Parliament at approximately 12:45, when the media can record their doorsteps. Press points will be organised close to the Hemicycle after the event. Both the doorsteps and the press points will be live on EbS and the Multimedia Centre. For graphic press, there will be a photo opportunity in the Hemicycle at around 13:45.
Accreditation and access for the Eurovision Debate
Access to the chamber to watch the debate is by prior registration only. The deadline for media to apply was Thursday 16 May.
All EU inter-institutional accredited media and EP annual media badge holders will have access to Parliament premises upon presentation of their badges, without having to request separate accreditation.
All other journalists wishing to access Parliament will have to submit a request for short-term media access via the online accreditation system (JOUREG). If they already have an EP media badge, it will be activated remotely once approved in the registrations portal. If they are not in possession of an EP media badge, once their request is approved in JOUREG, journalists will be able to collect it from the Accreditation Centre in front of Parliament (Esplanade Solidarność, office 01F035).
Access to the carpark on the day of the Eurovision Debate
Media needing a space in Parliament’s carpark will have to reserve their parking slot via the IZIX APP a few days before the event. If journalists do not yet have the App, they can request it from
More information: European Parliament
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