The European Youth Together action targets youth organisations at grass-root level which want to establish partnerships across borders, i.e. which aim at adding a European dimension to their activities and at linking these activities to EU youth policies, most notably the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027.
The European Youth Together action consists of two parts (two sub-actions).
- The first sub-action targets youth organisations at grassroots level which want to establish partnerships across borders, i.e. which aim at adding a European dimension to their activities. The purpose is to encourage new applications from organisations that are not already well established at European level.
- The second sub-action is the large-scale partnerships action. It targets youth organisations, which have the capacity to work together in large-scale partnerships.
Specific Objectives
- The promotion and development of more structured cooperation, online and offline, between different youth organisations to build or strengthen partnerships focusing on solidarity and inclusive democratic participation
- The implementation of EU Frameworks and initiatives
- To encourage young people to participate in the democratic process and in society by organising trainings, showcase commonalities among young Europeans and encourage discussion and debate on their connection to the EU, its values and democratic foundations, including by providing a meaningful voice to youth in the framework of the Covid-19 recovery process
- Promote participation of under-represented groups of young people in politics, youth organisations and other civil society organisations by engaging vulnerable and socioeconomic disadvantaged youth.
- New ways to empower youth organisations in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath
- The reinforcement of the European dimension of the activities of youth organisations, including activities on how to live better together after the pandemic and helping to design sustainable future ways of living transnationally.
Who can apply
– NGOs (including European Youth NGOs) working in the field of Youth;
– Public authorities at national, regional or local level;
– legally established and located in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.
Eligible applicants
Any organisation, public or private, with its affiliated entities (if any), working with or for young people outside formal settings established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.
Public or private companies (small, medium or large enterprise (including social enterprises) may be included.
For sub-action 1: Minimum of 4 partners from at least 4 EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme. At least half of the organisations in the consortia should not have been recipients of EU funds from the Erasmus+ Programme in Key Actions 3 – European Youth Together projects in the previous 2 years.
For sub-action 2: It targets organisations, which would propose projects involving at least 5 partners from 5 EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme, which have the capacity to mobilise young people in partnerships covering different countries and regions within the EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme.
Eligible activities
-Mobility activities for young people should form a key component of European Youth Together projects. This mobility should offer cross-border exchanges and non-formal or informal training opportunities for young people from across Europe (East, West, North and South) that can be prepared and supported through online fora to contribute to the objectives of this action;
– All the activities should contribute to broadening the outreach towards youth, reaching young people both within and beyond youth organisations including youth with fewer opportunities, to ensure a diversity of voices is heard.
Project duration:
2 years for both sub-actions. The activities must take place in the EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme.
Budget: This action follows a lump sum funding model.
Sub-Action 1: Maximum EU grant per project is EUR 150,000.
Sub-Action 2: The minimum grant per project is EUR 150,000 and the maximum cannot exceed EUR 500,000.
Where to apply
To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
The same organisation can submit only one application by the deadline.
3 March 2023
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