The CoR is launching a call for expression of interest addressed to officials of local and regional authorities (LRAs) to participate in the 6th meeting of the European Migration Forum. This event is co-organised by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee and will take place on 2-3 June 2020 in Brussels at the CoR/EESC premises.
6th Edition
This edition will focus on the link between integration policies for migrants and refugees and broader social policies in general (social cohesion, culture, education and sport policies), on the need for tailor-made integration support and for facilitating encounters and interactions between migrants and nationals. Safe legal pathways for those in need of international protection, and how to maximise their integration in hosting societies will also be discussed. It will also include a reflection on the narrative about migration and how to communicate effectively with EU citizens on migration issues. Participants can present successful projects to others at a networking marketplace. In addition, there will be a discussion on the future priorities in the field of integration in view of the future EU strategy and action plan currently under preparation.
Participation and opportunities
The event will take an interactive, participatory approach. The core of the event will consist of workshops, discussion islands and other opportunities to participate in the debate. All participants will be expected to contribute to discussions and work in groups. While the organisers aim to provide participants with interpretation services in more languages, it is highly recommended that participants have a good command of English or French. Given the format of the event, political level participation is not foreseen. Participants should be civil servants/professional staff from local and regional authorities.
Dead line
Please send no later than Friday 6th March 2020 an email to the CoR CIVEX commission secretariat (cc:
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