The European Food Safety Authority offers all year round periods of in-service training, which enables trainees to put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their academic studies or professional careers in the areas of science, communication or administration. Every year around 80 traineeships take place within the fields of activity of the European Food Safety Authority.
Who can apply
- Citizens of EU Member States, EEA, EFTA and pre-accession strategy beneficiary countries who have completed the first cycle of a higher education course and obtained a full degree or its equivalent by the date of the application, with a good knowledge of English (minimum level: B2 according to CEFR).
- Trainees receive a monthly grant of € 1.463.
- Trainees can telework up to 60% per week from the distance reachable to Parma within approximately 3 hours.
- Previous EFSA trainees or employees are not eligible for the traineeship.
- Please read the Decision of the Executive Director of EFSA on traineeship at EFSA.
Applicants must follow the instructions in the Traineeship Call on EFSA’s website. If selected, they must provide documentation such as a university degree copy, health insurance proof, and a criminal record copy.
Deadline: 29 April 2024, 23:59 (Local time, GMT +1).
More information: Eurodesk
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