With the start of the year, the Office of the European Parliament in Spain launches the series: ‘Europeístas d̴e̴ ̴s̴o̴f̴á̴’, a space where Patricia Fernández, journalist, cultural disseminator and content creator, interviews different volunteers from the European Parliament’s community: todosjuntos.eu. This platform currently has 180,000 members in Europe, of which 30,000 are in Spain.
The series is made up of four interviews with different people who have decided to ‘get up from the sofa’ – that’s why it is crossed out – to actively participate in the European Parliament’s community: todosjuntos.eu. Four voices, four different visions, but a common goal: to build a better Europe and to raise awareness of the European Union.
From today, and every Thursday in January, an episode of this series will be published on Youtube and Spotify, in which each of the interviewees will give their views on what Europe means, and how they contribute to building a European Union ‘all together’:
– The first of the interviews is now available on the Youtube channel of the European Parliament Office in Spain and on Spotify. The protagonist is Gerard Álvarez, member of the training and analysis department of the youth association ‘Equipo Europa’, and responsible for the ‘EU Olympics’, a project aimed at bringing the European Union closer to young people. More than 500 students from 100 schools from all over Spain took part in the last edition of the Olympiads.
– The second episode will focus on the role of the media in bringing Europe closer to its citizens. Patricia Fernández interviews Iñigo Aldalur, presenter of RTVE’s ‘Europa 2025’ programme. Aldalur is one of the journalists based in Spain who most follows European current affairs and who best knows the ins and outs of the European Parliament’s plenary sessions in Strasbourg. (Available on Thursday 16 January).
– Victoria Hernández Ricarte is Head of Studies at Gabriel Miró Secondary School in Orihuela (Alicante) and coordinator of the European Parliament’s Ambassador Schools programme. This programme, promoted by the European Parliament, has 117 schools throughout Spain and aims to stimulate knowledge of Europe and European parliamentary democracy among young people, providing them with an active knowledge of the European Union and the European Parliament in particular.
(Available Thursday 23 January)
– The last interview in the series focuses on civil society: Sonia Prieto, president of the eCivis association, a non-profit association in Getxo (Vizcaya) that aims to encourage citizens to participate in the construction of their local environment. Its projects include various initiatives to raise awareness of how the European Union impacts on the daily lives of Getxo residents (Available on Thursday, 30 January).
According to the latest Eurobarometer published by the European Parliament, more than half of Spaniards (52%) consider that their voice counts in the European Union and 70% would like the European Parliament to play a more important role. This project aims to give a voice to some of the most active volunteers and encourage more citizens to join the European Parliament community.
More information: European Parliament.
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