The European Investment Fund (EIF) and BBVA are set to make it easier for startups with innovative and sustainable value propositions to get access to financing. The two institutions have concluded an agreement under the InvestEU guarantee programme whereby the EIF will grant a €200 million guarantee to enable BBVA Spark (BBVA’s specialised startup initiative) […]
Read MoreEurogroup: Ministers discuss progress on the banking union
Main results Banking union and banking sector developments Macroeconomic and financial developments The Eurogroup took stock of macroeconomic and financial stability developments. The Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB) updated ministers on the macroeconomic and financial situation. The chair of the ECB Supervisory Board, Andrea Enria, and the chair of the Single Resolution Board, Dominique […]
Read MoreCommission and EIB announce €18M to boost investment in climate actions
The European Commission and the European Investment Bank have announced €18 billion in funding under Global Gateway, Europe’s investment strategy for partner countries. It will stimulate investment in Global Gateway priority areas (climate action, clean energy and connectivity) in European partner countries around the world. In particular, these projects will work to address the global […]
Read MoreEuropean Parliament proposes stricter rules to stamp out fast fashion
MEPs on the Environment Committee today approved their recommendations for the EU to adopt measures to ensure circular, sustainable and socially just textile production. MEPs say textile products sold in the EU should be more durable, easier to reuse, repair and recycle, made to a great extent of recycled fibres, and free of hazardous substances. […]
Read MoreCommission proposes new economic governance rules fit for the future
The Commission has presented legislative proposals to implement the most comprehensive reform of the EU’s economic governance rules since the aftermath of the economic and financial crisis. The central objective of these proposals is to strengthen public debt sustainability and promote sustainable and inclusive growth in all Member States through reforms and investment. The proposals address shortcomings in the […]
Read MoreEuropean Council adopts legislation making products safer for European consumers
The Council adopted the General Product Safety Regulation, which strengthens safety standards for products sold both online and face-to-face. The rules will strengthen market surveillance of unsafe products and the rights of consumers who have been sold an unsafe product. The adopted Regulation reinforces product safety and consumer protection, and facilitates the repair, return or […]
Read MoreEuropean Commission designates first 19 digital platforms that will have to comply with the Digital Services Act
The Commission adopted the first designation decisions under the Digital Services Act (DSA), designating 17 Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) and 2 Very Large Online Search Engines (VLOSEs) that reach at least 45 million monthly active users. These are: Very Large Online Platforms: Alibaba AliExpress Amazon Store Apple AppStore Facebook Google Play Google Maps […]
Read MoreCouncil adopts new rules on pay transparency
The Council has adopted new rules to combat pay discrimination and help close the gender pay gap in the EU. Under the pay transparency directive, EU companies will be required to share information about how much they pay women and men for work of equal value, and take action if their gender pay gap exceeds 5%. […]
Read MoreEuropean Commission takes steps to cut red tape in merger cases
The European Commission has adopted a number of measures to further simplify its merger review procedures under the EU Merger Regulation. The package of measures includes: (i) a revised version of the Merger Implementing Regulation (“Implementing Regulation”), (ii) a Notice on simplified procedure (“Procedural Notice”), and (iii) a Notice on the transmission of documents (“Notice […]
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