More than 350 communication managers from across Europe have gathered in Seville, Spain, from 20-22 November to explore innovative strategies to improve the communication and visibility of EU-funded projects on the ground.
This meeting, organised in the framework of the INFORM EU network, will highlight the potential of Artificial Intelligence as a possible paradigm shift in EU project communications.
The event opened on Wednesday 20 November with welcome speeches by Mercedes Caballero, Secretary General of European Funds of the Spanish Ministry of Finance; Gerardo Fernández-Gavilanes Díez, Secretary General of European Funds of Andalusia; and Karolina Kottova, Head of Unit of the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission.
Participants were able to share expert knowledge on AI-based communication tools and practical workshops, including sessions on how to leverage platforms such as ChatGPT to create engaging messages and increase the media visibility of EU-funded projects. The event also provided opportunities to share best practices and foster cross-border collaboration.
In addition to workshops and discussions, attendees visited EU-funded projects in and around Seville. Highlights included the University Innovation Centre, the Exploraterra Space cultural centre, Cartuja Qanat (an open-air urban space), Renewable Energies for student residences, Biomass and green hydrogen, the International Protection reception system, the State Aeronautics Agency, and the sea bass and sea bream production centre.
The participants are part of the European Commission’s INFORM EU expert group, a European network of communication officers in charge of communicating EU and Member States’ investments in the framework of the shared management of several European funds: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Just Transition Fund (FTJ) and Cohesion Fund (CF); European Social Fund Plus (ESF+); Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI) and Internal Security Fund (ISF); Maritime Affairs: European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFF) and the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.
More information: European Commission.
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