Launched by CEDEFOP, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, under the theme “Vocational education and training: your green or digital skills story”, the competition aims to promote excellence in vocational education and training (VET) across the EU and beyond, including within the context of the European vocational skills week.
The competition aims to mobilise learners throughout Europe to reflect on what vocational education and training means to them and illustrate the green or digital skills they have acquired during their daily learning experience.
The award offers the chance to young learners as well as adults in continuing education to show their talent while promoting the benefits of VET.
Who can apply
The competition is open to teams of learners in vocational education and training (either initial or continuing vocational training later in life) in the European Union, Norway and Iceland.
How to enter
VET learners, Initial VET students and lifelong learners, should form a team of up to four members (+ a teacher/tutor).
They will have the option to choose between creating a photostory (of four to five photos), or a short video (up to 60 seconds), or both, on ‘vocational education and training: your green or digital skills story’.
Individual entries will not be accepted.
Each team can enter an original photo story consisting of four to five photos, and a narrative of up to 100 words. Each team may only submit one photostory. The photos should tell a story based on the VET learners’ individual or team experiences. They should be related to each other and support a narrative with a strong message.
Stories related to initiatives or projects within learners’ vocational courses which include digital or green skills.
Story examples:
– a project learners have developed using green or digital skills;
– an initiative to save energy or resources, ‘greening’ the work or learning environment;
– an initiative, using digital technologies to enrich the learning process;
– a distance learning group project (where each team member contributes in the project remotely);
– a mobility experience abroad as part of their VET training;
– learners show how VET has influenced their life
Video clip
Each competing team can submit one video of up to 60 seconds, and an accompanying narrative of up to 100 words.
Entries must be submitted online via the following link.
Two winning teams and their teacher/tutor will attend the 2022 European vocational skills week award ceremony where their photos will be showcased and the winner of the European Commission’s online voting will receive the top prize.
#CedefopPhotoAward Prix du jury-best video
The winning video team and their teacher/tutor will travel to Thessaloniki for the 2022 Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.
Travel and accommodation expenses for the participation of the winning teams will be covered by the organisers.
How to apply
Entries should be sent via this link.
21 November 2021
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