A call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research fellowship (BI), hereinafter abbreviated as BI or Research Grant, under the Research Grant Holder Statute, under the following conditions:
Duties of the position
The fellowship holder will engage in the following activities:
a) Evaluate the execution, monitoring, and outcome indicators of the activities planned within the scope of implementing high-intensity interventions—screening, assessment, and psychological intervention—with students from the Maiêutica universe (UMAIA/IPMAIA) at the Psychological Support and Service Centre (CASP), within the framework of PPSMES (DGES, 2023). These activities include a literature review and the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.
b) Writing scientific articles for publication;
c) Participation in dissemination activities;
d) Help put into action the high-intensity interventions described in Maiêutica’s PPSMES (DGES, 2023) along with the gathering and analysis of research indicators and data in this area.
Required selection criteria
Are eligible for this call:
a) Nationals or citizens of other member states of the European Union.
b) Citizens of third countries.
c) Stateless persons.
d) Citizens benefiting from political refugee status.
2. Candidates who meet the requirements of the previous section and, cumulatively, satisfy the following requirement are eligible for this competition: being enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at the University of Maia (UMAIA), a requirement to be duly proven through proof of enrolment/attendance.
The research grant will be preferentially awarded to those who demonstrate:
a) To hold a Master’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology (if the qualification was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of August 16, and any formalities established therein must be fulfilled by the time of hiring);
b) Interest and suitability of the profile for scientific research work in the Program for the Promotion of Mental Health in Higher Education (DGES, 2023);
c) Mastery of spoken and written English;
d) Research experience;
e) Clinical experience in cognitive-behavioral psychological interventions.
- Languages
- Level
- Mother Tongue
- Languages
- Level
- Good
6.1. The amount of the felloship corresponds to €1,259.64 (one thousand two hundred and fifty-nine euros and sixty-four cents), according to the table of values of scholarships directly awarded by FCT, I.P. in the country.
6.2. The scholarship is paid monthly through a bank transfer.
6.3. Within the project’s scope, Maiêutica covers personal accident insurance for all scholarship holders related to research activities.
6.4. In accordance with the Code of Contributory Regimes of the Social Security Welfare System, all scholarship holders not covered by any social protection scheme can exercise their right to social security by joining the voluntary social insurance scheme, with Maiêutica covering the costs resulting from the contributions under the terms and limits provided in Article 10 of the EBI.
Organisation/Company –Maiêutica – Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, C.R.L.
Research Field – Psychological sciences » Psychology
Researcher Profile – First Stage Researcher (R1)
Country – Portugal
Application Deadline – 29 Dec 2024 – 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)
More information;Euraxess.
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