The new Law Bulletin No. 8 is now available!
This bulletin summarises all the European Union’s activity in the field of law in recent months. The bulletin is structured into News; Jurisprudence, Legislation and Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR); Statistics; Publications; Media Library; and finally, Magazines.
In this December edition, we can highlight news such as The Pension complement granted by Spain to mothers who are recipients of an invalidity pension where they have two or more children must also be awarded to fathers in a comparable situation or Main results of the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting, 2-3 December 2019. You will also find a compilation of the latest case law from the European Court of Justice divided into topics such as Intellectual Property, Consumer Rights, Economic Affairs, Area of Safety, Freedom and Justice, Environment and Free Movement of Goods. In this section you can consult judgments as resounding as Case C-212/18 Prato Nevoso Termo Energy / Provincia di Cuneo and ARPA Piemonte. main ruling Judgment of the Court of Justice (Second Chamber) of October 24, 2019 o Case C-621/17 Kiss against CIB Bank and others. Judgment of the Court of Justice (Third Chamber) of October 3, 2019. In terms of legislation, you will find Regulations, Directives and Decisions on topics such as Agriculture, Markets in the EU, Environment, Security and Defence, Research and Innovation and Education and Culture. Finally, in the documentation section you will find some outstanding judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.
Below, you can consult various statistics and publications on the subject of law in the EU, among which we highlight Criminal detention conditions in the European Union. Rules and reality and Judicial practical guide on country of origin information. Compilation of jurisprudence, among others.
Finally, in the section of Magazines and Media Library you can enjoy audiovisual material, such as The Court of Justice of the EU and Sport – ensuring fair play off the field, or periodical publications on the subject of law, such as the latest issue of the European law enforcement research bulletin. Special conference edition Nr. 4.
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