The European Youth Foundation (EYF) is a fund established by the Council of Europe to provide financial support for European youth activities. It aims to encourage co-operation amongst young people in Europe by providing financial support to youth activities. It concerns activities, which serve the promotion of peace, understanding and co-operation in a spirit of […]
EU Studies & Career Fair
The EU Studies & Career Fair 2022, organised by Politico will take place online from 2 to 3 February. It is the annual meeting place bringing together the world’s best universities and organisations with top international students and young professionals looking for a future in EU affairs, International Relations, Political Sciences, Business, Economics, Public Policy, Public Affairs and Law. Since 1999, the EU Studies Fair has been […]
Creative Generations Forum
The Nantes Creative Generations Forum is inviting participants from Nantes and Europe to present their innovative and inspirational projects linked to citizenship and the notion of “living together”. Participants will have the opportunity to attend plenary sessions to present projects to other people and workshops, to discuss specific themes in small groups. Who can apply Associations, organisations and youth […]
SCI Short-Term Volunteering
Service Civil International (SCI) is a volunteer organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. The organisation consists of 43 branches and an ever-growing number of partner organisations. Living and working together with people of different backgrounds helps volunteers to break down barriers […]
University research programs
The European Investment Bank channels most of its institutional relations with Universities through an EIB Universities Research Action consisting of three different programmes. 1. EIBURS, the EIB University Research Sponsorship Programme, a programme to support EU University Research Centres working on research topics and themes of major interest to the EIB. Main features of EIBURS: […]
ESC Online Training
The European Solidarity Corps Online Training platform offers a broad range of learning modules related to volunteering and many other topics to get you closer to your personal and professional goals. For whom The platform is open to current or future volunteers willing to get more information about the European Solidarity Corps and get inspired for […]
Traineeships at the Council of Europe
The Council of Europe offers two traineeship sessions each year, lasting from eight weeks to five months. Traineeships take place in March/July, September/January and are remunerated. Trainees undertake research, the preparation of draft reports and studies for meetings of experts and the drafting of minutes. They may also assist with current work. Trainees will be given an […]
Euro-Mediterranean Literary Contest
The Anna Lindh Foundation and the European Institute of the Mediterranean are calling the 14th year of the international short story contest ”A Sea of Words” aimed at young people from the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean space. This year, under the motto “Youth and Mobility: Towards a Euro-Mediterranean Citizenship”, the contest gives Euro-Mediterranean wants youth to reflect upon the importance of […]
Global Junior Challenge Award
This international competition rewards projects using modern technologies in an innovative and inclusive way, to provide an innovative and quality education during the Covid-19 pandemic. It aims to encourage young people and their teachers to use new technologies; exchange experiences and emulates successful initiatives. The final event will take place in Rome, on 20-22 October […]