In 2022, the prices of museums, libraries and zoological gardens in the EU increased by +4% compared with 2021, up from +3% in 2021 compared with 2020, as measured by the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP).
During the pandemic year of 2020, the HICP for these cultural goods and services was at a five-year low of +2% compared to the previous year. Before that, the annual rate of change was stable at around +3%.
Meanwhile, the annual rate of change for all items within the HICP fluctuated between +1% and +3% between 2018 and 2021 before accelerating to +9% in 2022. The price index for museums, libraries and zoological gardens grew in the EU at a much lower pace than the general inflation.
In 2022, among the EU countries, the highest increases in prices for museums, libraries and zoological gardens were recorded in Poland (+18% compared with 2021), Ireland (+15%) and Lithuania (+14%).
At the opposite end of the scale, Malta was the only EU country to record a decrease in the prices of museums, libraries and zoological gardens (-3% compared with 2021). Meanwhile, Luxembourg and Cyprus recorded no change, while the Netherlands, Greece and Portugal recorded a small increase (each +1%).
Source: Eurostat
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