In a resolution on uniform standards for airline carry-on luggage, MEPs argue that consistent EU rules on sizing and pricing are needed.
The text, adopted with a show hands, highlights citizens’ concerns about the inconvenience and discomfort caused by inconsistent rules on airline carry-on luggage. EU legislation on air passenger rights should be revised to offer a solution, says the resolution.
Different airline rules on hand luggage create hidden fees and make it more difficult to compare prices, say MEPs. Also, when passengers use different airlines or need to change their plans, inconsistent rules create confusion. MEPs stress that when reviewing the current EU Air Services legislation, the Commission should fully implement the relevant ruling by the Court of Justice of the EU. The Court found that airlines should not charge a supplement for hand baggage “on condition that such hand baggage meets reasonable requirements in terms of its weight and dimensions, and complies with applicable security requirements”. New legislation should also address other hidden costs, for example fees related to seat allocation, argue MEPs.
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The European Commission has launched a consultation to review the Air Services Regulation, as stated in its most recent communication on Mobility Strategy.
More information: European Parliament
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