The building sector is responsible for more than one third of the EU’s energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. The Renovation Wave Strategy has set the goal of at least doubling the annual energy renovation rate of buildings by 2030 and to increase the level of energy savings delivered by building renovations, in particular by fostering deep renovation. The proposal for a recast EPBD provides legal definitions of ‘deep renovation’ and ‘staged deep renovation’ as the long-term target for building renovations, allowing to reach the objective of a zero-emission building stock by 2050.
Proposals should increase the uptake of deep renovation, by addressing one of the following areas; addressing several areas does not necessarily increase the relevance of the proposal.
Regardless of the area(s) chosen, proposals should be well tailored to the action context in terms of building segment(s) and typology(ies), climatic zone(s), and legal, administrative, economic, market related or social conditions, and well aligned with the national and/or local initiatives in place or under development. Proposals should also involve the key stakeholders relevant to the activities and demonstrate the endorsement of the approaches proposed.
1. Building renovation passports.
2. Adapting legal, administrative and funding frameworks for deep renovation.
3. Improved coordination of market actors to deliver deep renovation.
Expected Impact
Proposals should result in increased rollout of building renovation passports supporting staged deep renovations; improvements in the legal, policy and funding frameworks for building deep energy renovations; improved and/or new collaborations, partnerships and consortia across different trades and professional groups to deliver high quality deep renovations, including the switch to efficient renewable-based heating and cooling.
Proposals should quantify their impacts using the indicators listed below, where relevant, as well as other project-specific performance indicators:
- Increased renovation rate and number of deep renovations in the territories addressed.
- Number of buildings equipped with a renovation passport.
- Number of public authorities adapting their legal, policy and funding frameworks and associated population.
- Number of private companies benefiting from improved coordination for deep renovation projects.
- Primary energy savings triggered by the project (in GWh/year).
- Renewable energy generation triggered by the project (in GWh/year).
- Investments in sustainable energy renovation triggered by the project (cumulative, in million Euro).
Deadline: 16 November 2022
More information: Funding and Tenders — Call
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