This project to increase the communication capacity between the controller/pilot (A/G) in high intensity operations is part of the SESAR 2020 sub-program of the Horizon 2020 Program.
In the area of voice communications, the current controller-pilot voice communications concept of operations is a de facto result of the way of working and of the performance of the legacy system (i.e. mainly the analogue DSB-AM VHF radio system). In the area of datalink, the current CPDLC is applicable only above FL285.
The research challenge is to develop the high-level global A/G communication concept of operations addressing how voice and data will be combined in the future to support the future ATM concept, what will be the role of voice exchanges and how they will be managed, and the concept of operations for the extension of datalink below its current scope.
The output of this project must be the future global[1] A/G communication concept of operations (CONOPS). The future controller-pilot global A/G communications CONOPS shall cover both the future voice and the extension of datalink communications below FL 285. This CONOPS will be used as an input to the SESAR concept of operations, and also as an input for the future industrial research projects working in these areas.
It is anticipated that the development of the voice and datalink concept of operations will require the involvement of technical experts external to the consortium (e.g. through technical workshops), with the consortium’s main role being that of providing the background information, the operational view and framework, and facilitating the workshops and consolidating the results to produce concept or concepts of operations as the final technical deliverable of the project.
10th of September, 2019
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