This call (SU-GM03-2018-2019-2020) aims to develop common requirements for prototypes in the field of innovation for security, and is part of the sub-programme Secure societies- Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens of the Horizon 2020 Programme.
Practitioners from several countries are invited to proceed with the procurement of innovative solutions to enhance their operational capability. Practitioner organisations may be private or public entities.
- Phase 0: To draft common requirements for innovative prototypes, agreed among the practitioner organisations involved in the action, and to prepare the technical tender documents ready for use in the subsequent phase of the action;
- Phase 1: To prepare a full tenders package for calls for tenders to build security-relevant prototypes based on the technical input resulting from Phase 0; to prepare for the validation of the future prototypes;
- Phase 2: To implement the calls for tenders to generate 2 prototypes from 2 different sources;
- Phase 3: To benchmark and validate the 2 prototypes against the method developed during Phase 1;
- Phase 4: To draft a curriculum for pan European training in using the prototypes.
Solutions are to be developed in compliance with European societal values, fundamental rights and applicable legislation, including in the area of free movement of persons, privacy and protection of personal data. Societal aspects (e.g. perception of security, possible side effects of technological solutions, societal resilience) have to be addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. All participating procurement authorities should also commit to comply with EU data protection legislation in the development of innovative, advanced systems to support security and in particular the principles of data protection by design and by default.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 2 to 12 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
In a short term, the impact expected will be:
- Pre-commercial prototypes matching requirements common to many Member States, and available from 2 different sources for further industrialisation.
- High leveraging effect of the EU contribution to the action.
22 de Agosto de 2019
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