Support to transnational projects in quantum technologies, fostering synergy between European, national and regional initiatives and promoting broader partnerships between the European stakeholders in quantum technologies.
The aim is to support the networking and coordination of national activities in support of the Quantum Flagship by implementing a joint call for proposals resulting primarily in grants to third parties with EU co-funding in this area, in accordance with the provisions of the General Annexes. Of importance is how the ERA-NET addresses the gaps in the Strategic Research Agenda, not covered by the Flagship activities.
Proposers are encouraged to implement other joint activities related to the coordination of public research and innovation programmes in quantum technologies, such as transnational networking, training, technology transfer and additional joint calls without EU co-funding. The proposal should demonstrate that these co-funded other activities exclude any overlaps with related on-going actions co-funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 FET Programme.
Expected Impact
Closer coordination and greater mobilisation and pooling of resources between regional, national and EU research programmes for realising the research goals of the FET Flagship in the area of quantum technologies.
07 May 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time
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