This international course focuses on new approaches for knowledge transfer, exchange and dissemination between researchers and practitioners in OHS. The course will introduce new methods and approaches on how to increase the value and use of OHS research for end users. In addition, the course will discuss how to engage practitioners in the research process to adopt research to local conditions and decision-making in practice.
The course covers a wide variety of occupational sectors and types of OHS problems. Participants with different disciplinary and professional backgrounds will be given the opportunity to share their experiences in an interactive way. The course endeavors to integrate a mixture of researchers and professionals.
Course objectives
- Course participants will learn about the central concepts and perspectives in research to practice approaches; including linear, cyclical, interactive and systemic perspectives.
- Participants will consider, through interactive discussions, the current knowledge on methods to engage researchers and knowledge users in knowledge transfer and exchange processes to support evidence uptake and evidence-informed decision-making.
- Lectures and discussions will describe and encourage debate on different research to practice approaches: Knowledge transfer (KT), Knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE), Dissemination research, implementation research, and Interactive research approaches.
- Participants will be introduced to the concept of integrated KTE and cover a variety of practical methods to add into research practice.
- Participants will have an opportunity to present their projects and exchange experiences related to research to practice in their own work.
- Through discussion and exchange, participants will discover new ways to engage practitioners in useful evidence based preventive solutions. The coursework and lectures will give the participants input and feedback on how to proceed with research to practice methods and tools.
- Support and establish a research to practice network among the Nordic countries to increase Nordic and international cooperation.
Course outline
- Interactive approach
- Lectures and team work during the course
- Individual preparation of reading course materials and preparing a case
The price of the course consists of two parts:
1) The course fee of EUR 500 and
2) One of the following:
- The day package I fee of EUR 500
- The day package II fee of EUR 290
June 22nd 2020
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