This call for proposals is aimed at implementing the real-time detection and response to cyberthreats through the exchange of information within the EDIP Action Grant sub-programme of the Defence Industrial Development Programme.
Cyber Situational Awareness (CSA) enables commanders to have a clear understanding of the threats landscape in order to manage cyber risks during the planning and conduct phases of a military operation. In 2013, Member States identified, within the EDA (European Defence Agency) cyber defence project team, the need for capabilities to enable military commanders to put in place measures to mitigate the risk of cyber attacks at all operational levels. An important prerequisite was to provide CSA for commanders and related staff.
The analysis of the state-of-the-art in CSA suggested that there are neither commercial nor open-source CSA solutions that appropriately match the full capabilities raised by military end users, as it was echoed by EDA. Although certain capabilities might be more mature than others, all-in-one solutions are not available yet. In order to overcome this shortcoming, the proposals against this sub-topic should be complementary to any ongoing EDA project.
Proposals submitted under this topic must bring support to the ongoing CSA capabilities of the Member States. In this way, they shall focus on providing operational prototypes of software suites for enabling real-time CSA that facilitate military decision-making. Contributions should introduce cognitive visualisation tools and integration with existing sensors. The system should be multi-tiered meaning information, which shall be aggregated according to the needs of the viewer at technical, operational or strategic level.
29th August, 2019
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