Expected Outcome In line with the European Green Deal priorities and the farm to fork strategy for a fair healthy and environmentally friendly food system, as well as with the EU’s Climate ambition for 2030 and 2050, the successful proposal will involve the mobilisation of society to transform food systems for co-benefits. This will lead to […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Enhancing biosecurity in terrestrial livestock production
Expected Outcome In line with the ‘farm to fork’ strategy for a transition to fair, healthy and resilient livestock production systems, including the reduction of anti-microbial usage, a successful proposal will support research and innovation (R&I) in helping policy makers and economic operators to prevent and control infectious animal diseases, thus contributing to sustainable agriculture […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Microbiomes in food production systems
Expected Outcome The successful proposal will be in line with the European Green Deal priorities and the farm to fork strategy for a fair healthy and environmentally friendly food system, as well as with the EU’s Climate ambition for 2030 and 2050. It will support R&I to foster advances in microbiome-related research for more sustainable agricultural […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Biosecurity, hygiene, disease prevention and animal welfare in aquaculture
Expected Outcome In line with the European Green Deal objectives, the farm to fork strategy for a fair healthy and environmentally friendly food system, the EU bioeconomy strategy and the blue growth strategy, the successful proposal will support research and innovation on animal health and welfare in aquaculture to contribute to an environmentally friendly, inclusive, safe […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Education and skills for the EU space sector
Expected Outcome Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: A structured overview of the educational offer in the EU, including continuing education for the EU space sector. Socio-economic analysis of the space-oriented student population and identification of gaps/shortcomings and excellences across the EU-27 and Associated Countries. Identification of the needs for education and […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Future space ecosystems: on-orbit operations, new system concepts
Expected Outcome Enable the industrialisation and new services in space by intelligent solutions and concepts, exploiting synergies with terrestrial sectors and cultivating an AppStore and Open-Architecture mentality. Therefore, automation, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) especially in combination with standardisation, modularisation and digitalisation are key enablers, improving space systems and satellites’ flexibility and cost-efficiency, increasing sustainability and accessibility, introducing mass-customisation […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Copernicus Climate Change Service evolution
Expected Outcome Project results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes: Enhanced quality and efficiency of the current service evolution to respond to (a) policy and/or user requirements (b) technological developments implementing the space regulation (c) complementing the challenges targeted by the Horizon Europe Mission on “Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation” […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Safer navigation and tackling containership fires
Expected Outcome Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: Navigational accidents including vessel collisions and groundings, damage to vessels and boats from debris (in particular lost containers), and harm to marine mammals are significantly reduced. There is systematic understanding of the causes of navigational accidents and high standards are established for their prevention. […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: More resilient aircraft and increased survivability
Expected Outcome Project results are expected to contribute to two or more of the following expected outcomes in order to contribute to Flightpath2050 safety goals: Near real-time proactive prediction, detection, communication and avoidance/mitigation of anomalies and hazards at the airport (e.g. on the runway, at ground-handling, etc.), in the atmosphere (e.g. extreme weather phenomena) and […]
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