The Agriculture and Fisheries Council will take place on 16 and 17 December and different issues such as the future of the CAP will be discussed.
The agenda highlights are the following.
Atlantic and North Sea: Fishing opportunities for 2020
Ministers are due to agree on the 2020 fishing opportunities for the Atlantic and North Sea. The Council is responsible for fixing total allowable catches (TACs) and allocating fishing opportunities. Decisions are taken on the basis of proposals from the European Commission.
Eastern Baltic cod
The Council aims to reach a joint position about a new regulation on the Eastern Baltic cod which will amend past regulations. The regulation is based on a proposal by the European Commission.
Future of the CAP after 2020
The Council will take stock of and discuss the progress made on the post 2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform package which consists of three legislative proposals:
- a regulation on the CAP strategic plans
- a regulation on the single common market organisation (CMO)
- a horizontal regulation on financing, managing and monitoring the CAP
- Future of the CAP post 2020 (background information)
Other issues
Ministers will be informed about:
- Budget flexibility within the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 2014-2020.
- Conclusions by the Competitiveness Council on the EU bioeconomy strategy.
- Council conclusions on sustainable economy, 29 November 2019.
- Minor use of pesticides.
- Origin labelling.
More information
Future of the CAP post 2020 (background information)
Fishing opportunities: TACs and quotas (background information)
Council conclusions on sustainable economy, 29 November 2019
Agriculture and Fishery Section
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