AEGEE – Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe (European Students’ Forum) is a student association. It promotes the idea of an unified Europe, cross-border co-operation, communication, integration among students and strives to create an open and tolerant society of tomorrow.
AEGEE is an interdisciplinary, voluntary, non-governmental, politically independent and non-profit making association. It is represented in 200 university cities, in 40 countries all around Europe.
Summer Universities are on average two weeks long events that take place during summer in most of the cities where AEGEE is present. Understanding and exploring the multicultural dimension of the European continent, fighting for tolerance and creating open-minded citizens who are not afraid to share their opinion in an open discussion about the future of Europe, are some of the reasons why 30 young Europeans come together in each Summer University to taste the diversity of European integrity.
The summer university consists of different kinds of programmes: Summer Course; Summer Course Plus; Travelling Summer University; Short Summer Course.
How to apply
Go to the official website of the Summer University Project and log in with your MyAEGEE account. Then click on “Fill in Application Form” under “Applicants”.
20 April 2020, 13:00 CET
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