In 2018, households in the European Union (EU) spent 13.2% of their total consumption expenditure on transport. This represents a total expenditure of over €1.1 trillion, equivalent to 7.2% of the EU’s GDP or €2 220 per EU inhabitant.
Transport is the EU’s second largest household expenditure item after housing (24.0% of total consumption expenditure). Food and non-alcoholic beverages follow in third place (12.1%).
Transport is the EU’s second largest household expenditure item after housing (24.0% of total consumption expenditure). Food and non-alcoholic beverages follow in third place (12.1%).
Slovenia spends highest share of household expenditure on transport, Slovakia spends least
In the EU in 2018, the share of household expenditure devoted to transport was largest in Slovenia (16.9%), ahead of Lithuania and Luxembourg (both 15.8%). They were followed by Cyprus (14.7%), France (14.1%), Germany (13.8%), Hungary and the United Kingdom (both 13.7%).
At the opposite end of the scale, Slovakia (6.6%) spent the lowest share of household expenditure on transport, followed by Croatia (9.7%), Czechia (10.4%), (11.2%), Belgium (11.4%), Estonia and Malta (both 11.6%), Latvia (11.8%) and Finland (11.9%).
Romania recorded highest decrease in transport expenditure
Between 2008 and 2018, the share of transport expenditure in total household expenditure decreased or remained stable in most Member States.
The largest decrease over this 10-year period was recorded in Romania (from 15.1% in 2008 to 11.2% in 2018, or a decrease of 3.9 percentage points %), ahead of Bulgaria and Cyprus (both -2.5 %), and Luxembourg (-2.0 %).
Over the same period, the share of household spending on transport expenditure increased in nine EU Member States: Poland (from 11.7% in 2008 to 12.9% in 2018, or an increase of 1.2 %), Slovenia (+1.0 %), Germany, Czechia and Spain (all +0.6 pp), Ireland (+0.3 %), Latvia and France (both +0.2 %) as well as Slovakia (+0.1 %).
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