The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum will be held on 7 and 8 April 2021. It will be a virtual event focusing on “COVID-19 recovery: Youth taking action for a sustainable future” and bringing on board young people from around the world to engage in a dialogue with Member States and other actors on concrete actions to rebuild from COVID-19 and to advance towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Decade of Action.
The Youth Forum will address the theme of ECOSOC and the 2022 UN High-level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF) on “Building back better from COVID-19 while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.” It will also review progress in the areas of quality education (SDG4), gender equality (SDG5), life below water (SDG14), life on land (SDG15) and partnerships for the goals (SDG17).
The Youth Forum will bring together young people from different backgrounds and from around the world to engage with government representatives, youth delegates, policymakers and other relevant stakeholders in civil society and the private sector.
A particular emphasis will be given to representatives of marginalised and vulnerable youth communities.
Eligible participants
- Individual Young Person (a single individual aged 30 and below)
- Individual Person (a single individual aged 31+, with expertise relevant to the themes of the Forum)
- Youth-Led Organisation
- Youth-Focused Entoty/Organisation
- UN Entity
7 April 2022.
More information: Eurodesk
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