Título: The European Commission is turning its pledge into action by implementing minimum corporate taxation for all companies with either a parent or a subsidiary located in the EU. All multinational groups will from now on have to pay at least 15% corporate tax. In addition, the Commission is also introducing further transparency measures so that […]
Read MorePresident von der Leyen on “Celebrating 20 years of the euro, ECB”
Título: Message by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, on “Celebrating 20 years of the euro, ECB” Autor: European Commission Duración: 01:48 Resumen: Mensaje de Ursula von der Leyen, Presidenta de la Comisión Europea, sobre “Celebración de los 20 años del euro, BCE” Fecha de Publicación: 03/01/2022
Read MoreThe 3 Billion Trees Pledge
Título: As part of our efforts to fight climate change and stop biodiversity loss, we promise to plant 3 billion additional trees. We’re starting with plantings by different organisations. In spring, we’ll open it up to everyone, so every new tree that fits the bill can be counted. Autor: European Commission Duración: 00:55 Resumen: Como parte […]
Read MoreEuropean TTO Circle
Título: Europe relies on innovation to boost its global competitiveness and tackle the big societal challenges of the 21st century. Research and Technology Organisations in Europe must work together to share knowledge and gain expertise from across the globe. Only by collaborating, can we create the right conditions to develop the scientific and commercial innovations that […]
Read MoreDigital explorers – The importance of space technology
Título: “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” – over five decades since this huge milestone in space exploration, we now know so much more about what surrounds us thanks to innovative technology. Our DIGITAL EXPLORERS take a closer look at European space infrastructure (does Copernicus ring a bell?) and the […]
Read MoreMessage by Ursula von der Leyen on NextGenerationEU
Título: Message by Ursula von der Leyen on NextGenerationEU: European Commission adopts positive preliminary assessment of Spain’s request for €10 billion disbursement under Recovery and Resilience Facility. Autor: European Commission Duración: 00:48 Resumen:Mensaje de Ursula von der Leyen en NextGenerationEU: La Comisión Europea adopta una evaluación preliminar positiva de la solicitud de España de un […]
Read MoreOne Year of Vaccinations
Título: A reflection on 2021, marking one year since the first vaccinations began in Europe, and celebrating our scientists and healthcare workers. Autor: European Commission Duración: 01:02 Resumen:Una reflexión sobre el año 2021, que marca un año desde el inicio de las primeras vacunaciones en Europa, y que celebra a nuestros científicos y trabajadores sanitarios. […]
Read MoreStatement by President von der Leyen on the passing of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament
Título: Statement by President von der Leyen on the passing of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament Autor: European Commission Duración: 02:32 Resumen: Declaración de la Presidenta von der Leyen sobre el fallecimiento de David Sassoli, Presidente del Parlamento Europeo Fecha de Publicación: 12-01-2022
Read MoreWhy should you get vaccinated?
Título: Why should you get vaccinated? Autor: European Commission Duración: 01:35 Resumen: ¿Debo vacunar a mis hijos? La mayoría de los padres lo hacen. Sin embargo, con tanta información contradictoria disponible, puede resultar confuso saber qué es lo mejor para usted y su familia. Veamos los hechos. Fecha de Publicación: 10-12-2021
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