The hiring of a personal assistant to help a disabled person in everyday life may be limited to persons within the same age range The ensuing difference of treatment on grounds of age may be justified having regard to the nature of the personal assistance services provided AP Assistenzprofis is a Germany company specialising in […]
Read MoreCJEU: Public administration may prohibit the wearing of religious symbols by all its employees
Wearing of religious symbols in the workplace: a public administration may decide to prohibit all of its employees from wearing such signs. National courts examine whether the measures taken reconcile freedom of religion with the legitimate objectives underlying that prohibition. In order to put in place an entirely neutral administrative environment, a public administration may […]
Read MoreResolution of Banco Popular: affected shareholders and creditors were not entitled to compensation from the Single Resolution Fund
They would not have received better treatment in the event of the liquidation of the bank than that resulting from its resolution After the global financial crisis of 2008, the EU legislature put in place a number of measures (Banking Union) aimed at protecting EU financial markets. One of those measures is the Single Resolution […]
Read MoreCJEU orders Sweden to pay 8,500,000 euros for late transposition of the amended Firearms directive
On 26 July 2019, the Commission called on Sweden to comply with the amended Firearms Directive, by 26 September 2019 at the latest. The period for transposing those amendments into Swedish law had expired on 14 September 2018. In May 2022, the Commission requested the Court of Justice to declare that Sweden had failed to […]
Read MoreLegal battle over the DIEGO MARADONA trade mark: the General Court of the European Union confirms the EUIPO’s refusal to register the transfer of that trade mark in favour of the Argentine company Sattvica
The documents submitted in support of the request for registration of the transfer do not justify an assignment of the trade mark to that company Sattvica is a company established in Buenos Aires (Argentina) belonging to the former lawyer of the football player Diego Armando Maradona. In July 2001, Maradona applied to the European Union […]
Read MoreIf the airline denies you boarding, even with prior notice, you are entitled to compensation. CJEU Judgment
Pre-emptively denied boarding: passengers have the right to compensation even if they did not present themselves for boarding and even if they have been informed at least two weeks before the scheduled time of departure of the flight that they will be denied boarding Finding it impossible to check in for the flight from Frankfurt […]
Read MoreElectric bicycles are not considered motor vehicles, declares the Court of Justice of the European Union
A cyclist riding an electric bicycle on a public road near Bruges (Belgium) was the victim of a serious accident: he was struck by a car and was seriously injured. He died several months later. In the course of the subsequent court proceedings concerning a potential right to compensation, a dispute arose with respect to […]
Read MoreGeneral Court upholds geo-blocking which unlawfully restricted cross-border sales of certain PC video games
In agreeing bilaterally to that geo-blocking, the operator of the Steam platform, Valve and five PC video games publishers unlawfully restricted cross-border sales of certain PC video games that are compatible with that platform. Acting on information received concerning geo-blocking of certain PC video games on the Steam platform according to users’ geographical location, the […]
Read MorePortugal’s European Arrest Warrant to Spain does not appear to conflict with ne bis in idem in Case C-164/22
The prohibition of double jeopardy does not appear to preclude the execution of a European arrest warrant against the person responsible for a fraudulent pyramid scheme set up in Spain and in Portugal. The facts on the basis of which that person was convicted in Spain and in Portugal do not appear to be identical […]
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