Expected Outcome Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes: Enhanced knowledge on the use of online gaming culture and structure by violent extremists as well as their modus operandi through video game chatrooms, used as their recruitment tools; European Police Authorities benefit from better, innovative and validated tools […]
Read MoreHORIZONTE EUROPA: Effective fight against illicit drugs production and trafficking
Expected Outcome Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes: Improved and complete intelligence picture of security practitioners and policy-makers on drug production and trafficking, such as modus operandi, both offline and online, including the whole chain of trade, cross-border dimension, new trends, prevention of illicit drug market, new […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Effective fight against trafficking in human beings
Expected Outcome Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes: Security practitioners and policy makers are provided with an improved and more complete intelligence picture of trafficking in human beings, such as modus operandi, both offline and online, including the whole trafficking chain, cross-border dimension, new trends, relations with […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Better understanding of citizens’ behavioural and psychological reactions in the event of a disaster or crisis situation
Expected Outcome Project results are expected to contribute to some of the following expected outcomes: Qualitative and quantitative analyses on the behaviour of diverse society groups affected by a natural and man-made disaster or crisis situation, during and after an even occurs, based on real cases and testimonies, lessons learned from past disasters or crisis […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: ERC Science Journalism Initiative
Objective The ERC wishes to support an organisation or a consortium of organisations to set up a funding scheme that would facilitate 3-5-month stays of journalists at research institutions. The purpose is to give the journalists opportunities to learn and work on in-depth reporting projects by immersing themselves in the research environment and interacting with […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022
Expected Outcome Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes: For supported doctoral candidates New research and transferable skills and competences, leading to improved employability and career prospects within and outside academia; New knowledge allowing the conversion of ideas into products and services, where relevant; Enhanced networking and communication capacities with scientific peers, […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: EIC Transition Challenge: Green digital devices for the future
Expected Outcome EIC Transition aims at maturing both your technology and business idea thus increasing its technology and market readiness. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are a) a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application and b) a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: EIT Food Business Plan 2023-2025
Expected Outcome The results of Business Plan 2023-2025 should contribute to the expected outcomes set out in the EIT Food Strategic Agenda 2021-2027 over the medium term, and to the wider expected impacts and respective targets over the longer term. Objective: Relevant and appropriate EIT Food Business Plan for 2023-2025 implementation of the KIC’s multiannual […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Recycling end of life PV modules
Expected Outcome Photovoltaic power generation is pivotal in the transition to a clean energy system and the achievement of the zero-emissions target. To that end, it is important to enhance its sustainability while creating wealth and additional employment opportunities in Europe. Consequently, project results are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes: Demonstrate […]
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