Título: The European Semester
Resumen:Since 2010, the European Semester provided an annual cycle of economic and fiscal policy coordination within the EU. We found that the Commission provided a sound analysis of Member States annual economic progress in its country reports, coordinated the Europe 2020 strategy which led to six out eight targets being reached by 2020, and proposed relevant country-specific recommendations to Council for Member States.
Fecha publicación: 10-12-2020
Autor: European Court of Auditors
ISBN / ISSN: 1977-5679 / 978-92-847-0354-8
Link: https://op.europa.eu/s/oE2k
Palabras clave: ajuste estructural , auditoría , cooperación interinstitucional (UE) , Estado miembro UE , estrategia de crecimiento de la UE , informe , política de empleo , política económica , política presupuestaria , Semestre Europeo
Keywords: audit , budget policy , economic policy , employment policy , EU growth strategy , EU Member State , European Semester , interinstitutional cooperation (EU) , report , structural adjustmen