Título: Progress towards the achievement of the European Education Area - Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions (Available in English)
Resumen:La Comisión publica este informe de situación para contribuir a un proceso de reflexión sobre la revisión intermedia en 2023, incluso mediante un acto con el Parlamento Europeo, para hacer balance, debatir y dar un nuevo impulso a la realización de la EEE, junto con otras instituciones de la UE, los Estados miembros, las autoridades regionales y locales, los interlocutores sociales, la sociedad civil y otras partes interesadas. Hasta 2025, los Estados miembros, con el apoyo de la Comisión, tendrán que centrarse en la aplicación, especialmente garantizando el uso eficaz de los recursos nacionales y de la UE para la reforma y la inversión, y el seguimiento de los avances. La Comisión presentará un informe completo sobre la AEMA en 2025.
Summary:The Commission is publishing this progress report to provide input to a midterm review reflection process in 2023, including through an event with the European Parliament, to take stock, discuss and give fresh impetus to achieving the EEA, together with other EU institutions, Member States, regional and local authorities, social partners, civil society, and other stakeholders. Up until 2025, Member States, with the Commission’s support, will need to focus on implementation, especially through ensuring effective use of EU and national resources for reform and investment, and monitoring of progress. The Commission will provide a full report on the EEA in 2025.
Fecha publicación: 18-11-2022
Autor: Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission)
ISBN / ISSN: 978-92-76-57294-7 /-
Link: https://bit.ly/3VLIvUL
Palabras clave: access to education , cooperation in the field of education , digital transformation , equal treatment , EU Member State , higher education , organisation of teaching , policymaking , student mobility , teaching quality , vocational training
Keywords: access to education , cooperation in the field of education , digital transformation , equal treatment , EU Member State , higher education , organisation of teaching , policymaking , student mobility , teaching quality , vocational training