Título: EU humanitarian aid for education: Helps children in need, but should be longer-term and reach more girls. Special report No 02, 2021
Resumen:The Commission increased aid for education in emergencies and protracted crises to 10 % of its total humanitarian aid in 2019. We assessed how the Commission managed this new level of support. We found that projects were relevant and achieved their expected results, but reached fewer girls than boys.
Fecha publicación: 24-03-2021
Autor: Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo ;
ISBN / ISSN: 1977-5687 / 978-92-847-5579-0
Link: https://op.europa.eu/s/oYBv
Palabras clave: acceso a la educación , auditoría , ayuda de la UE , ayuda financiera , ayuda humanitaria , cooperación en materia de educación , derecho a la educación , derechos del niño , ECHO , igualdad de género , informe , Jordania , Uganda
Keywords: access to education , audit , children's rights , cooperation in the field of education , ECHO , EU aid , financial aid , gender equality , humanitarian aid , Jordan , report , right to education , Uganda